Seasprite Squadron Mates,
The H-2 Community is planning the first ever Seasprite Reunion in conjunction with the TW-5 Gulf Coast Fleet Fly-In and NHA Join-Up 22-26 Oct 2018 at NAS Whiting Field and the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Florida. There will be an H-2 Seasprite gathering at the National Naval Aviation Museum tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 25 Oct and a reception that evening along with some other events during the week (tentative reunion dates 25-27 Oct 2018). All the usual Fleet Fly-In/NHA Join-Up activities (Welcome BBQ, Senior Officer/Captains of Industry Panels, Golf Tournament, 5K Run, Professional Briefings, Farewell Reception, Breakfast and much more) will be available to the reunion attendees 22-26 Oct 2018. A DRAFT schedule of events will be on the NHA and NHAHS Websites soon.
POC for the H-2 Seasprite Reunion is CAPT Ernie Rogers USN (Ret). He can be contacted at: 434-841-6067 erogers@liberty.edu. See attached event flyer. Please pass the word to those H-2 Seasprite personnel that may not be members of NHA to get the word out.
Best Regards,
Ernie Rogers