29 August 2021 Author Tom Phillips

Only confirmed COMBAT rescues of aircrew by my definition.  Identified NON-combat rescues are not included here.  And the few remaining rescues (about a dozen on 31 Aug 2021) not yet resolved are not included here.  Work to be done yet. 

            u/f denotes the rescue was under fire.

            For rescue events where more than one is rescued, I did not make separate lines, but just put the names together.  So this is a list of rescue EVENTS.  38 events cover 45 men rescued.



            127+ COMBAT rescues, 58+ under fire, 19+ at NIGHT.

HC-2               two events of three people

HS-2                7 events of 10 people, 4 u/f, 2 at NIGHT

HS-4                8 events of 10 people, 6 u/f, none at NIGHT

HS-6                24 events of 28 people, 10 u/f, 4 at NIGHT

HS-8                7 events of 9 people, 3 u/f, 2 at NIGHT

HC-1               38 events of 44 people, 13 u/f, 5 at NIGHT

HC-7               41 events of 53 people, 22 u/f, 6 at NIGHT


Where list shows a “Det” it means an HC-1 CSAR det.

Where list shows a “Unit” that means an HC-1 carrier plane guard det

Unit A – USS Midway HC-1 PG det

Unit D – USS Coral Sea HC-1 PG det

Unit G – USS Oriskany HC-1 PG det

Unit L – USS Hancock HC-1 PG det

If the PG det was forward staged for combat rescue it is noted.


20 Sep ’65        Unit A          Lt Harris (fwd staged USS Galveston USS Midway PG Det) u/f

5 Oct ’65           Unit D          ENS Bulb Adams Coral Sea det (fwd staged USS Galveston)

9 Nov ’65          Unit G          LCDR Merchant  NIGHT over water (fwd staged USS Gridley) u/f

18 Nov ’65        Unit G          LTJG WD Sharp.  fwd staged (fwd staged USS Gridley)

14 Mar ’66        Det 5            AF Capt Price HU-16 (USS England) u/f

20 Mar ’66        Det 5            LTJG Greenwood (USS Worden) u/f

1 May ’66          Det 5            Lt Mansfield picked up from hung hoist also u/f fm beach (USS England)

2 May ’66          Det 5            LT Chancy (USS England) u/f

23 May ’66        Det 5            LT Miller (USS Worden) u/f

4 July ’66          Unit L           LCDR Baldwin Hancock PG helo NIGHT not u/f

11 Aug ’66        Det 23          Capt Penn, 1LT Finzer (USS King) NIGHT not u/f

18 Aug ’66        Det 9-2         LCDR Verich (USS Halsey) u/f

19 Aug ’66        Det 9-2         LCDR Thompson (Collett got LTJG Parten) (USS Halsey) not u/f

21 Aug ’66        Det 23          LT Craig (USS King)   not u/f

28 Aug ’66        Det 9-2         CDR Smith (USS Halsey) u/f

13 Sep ’66        Det 17          LTJG Dwyer ( USS Reeves) not u/f

6 Oct ’66           Det 23          LT Leach. (USS King

8 Oct ‘66           Det 23          LTJG Litvin. (USS King

16 Oct ’66         Det 9-2         two HS-6 airmen from the ditched H-3 (USS Halsey) not u/f

22 Oct ’66         Det 23          LTJG Turner. (USS King

3 Nov ’66          Det 9-2         LT Schaffer, LTJG Piccoli (USS Halsey) not u/f 

6 Nov ’66          Det 9-2         Capt Vizcarra (USS HalseyNIGHT not u/f

11 Nov ’66        Det 17          LTJG G. H. Davis  (USS Reeves)   NIGHT u/f

27 Nov ’66        Det 5-2         LTJG Natter (USS King)  not u/f

8 Apr ’67           Det 17-2       LT Richie, ENS Schumacher. (USS England North SAR)

24 Apr ’67         Det 19-2       ENS Laing. LCDR Southwick (USS ???)

25 Apr ’67         Det 19-2       LCDR Almberg. (USS ???)

24 May ’67        Det 3            LTJG Alsop. (USS England) u/f

31 May ‘6          Det 15          MAJ Fulcher USAF

6 June ’67         Det 3            LT Hall by helo  (USS England)

2 July ’67          Det 15          MAJ Stone  (USS Reeves)   u/f

12 July ’67        Det 17-2       LCDR Kirkpatrick south of Haiphong15 nm (USS Fox North SAR)

14 July ’67        Det 17-2       LT Donis (USS Fox North SAR)[i]

19 July ’67        Det 17-2       Capt Johnson  (USS Fox North SAR)

20 July ’67        Det 17-2       CDR Whittemore (USS Fox North SAR)

1 Aug ’67          Det 17-2       1LT Thornhill  (USS Fox North SAR)

12 Aug ’67        Det 17-2       LCDR Teague  (USS Fox North SAR)u/f

21 Aug ’67        Det 108        CDR McGlohn, LTJG McInrath (USS William B. Pratt) u/f 

23 Apr ’72         HC-1Det 1    PG det Kitty Hawk  MAJ Hall, Capt Bougher USAF not u/f