Overall Vietnam War Navy/Marine Corps Helicopter Loss Data

Author-CAPT Bill “Huggies” Hughes, USN (Ret.)

12,000 helos in Vietnam

5,607 helos lost in Vietnam

40,000 helo pilots served in Vietnam

2,165 helo pilots killed

2,712 crewmembers killed

Overall Navy Vietnam Aircraft Data

21 carriers served

86 wartime deployments

9,174 carrier days on the line

542 aircraft lost in combat and 329 operational losses

401 aviators killed, 64 missing, 179 POWs

Overall Marine Corps Vietnam Aircraft Data

193 lost fixed wing and 270 helicopters in combat

400 total rotary wing lost; 800 helicopter pilots, aircrew and passengers lost

HAL-3 Sea Wolves Overview

March 1967 – March 1972

Quick reaction, Seal and Riverine Support, Recon, Medical Evacuation

140 overall aircraft, 40 operational at any given time, 40 aircraft written off

500 personnel; 3,500 total personal assigned 1967-1972

44 pilots and aircrew killed, 200 wounded/injured

Most decorated squadron:  5 NC, 31 SS, 219 DFC, 156 PH

HC-7 Sea Devils Overview


Coastal Search & Rescue, CSAR over land and water, logistics, Vertrep

150 rescues including 130 in combat zone

6 helicopters lost; 1 in combat; 1 personnel lost

Other Navy Helicopter Losses in Vietnam

SH-2  12 lost, 0 lost in combat,

SH-3  20 lost, 8 lost in combat

UH-1  40 written off, 44 killed