VMM-265 Squadron Patch History of VMM-265 Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (VMM-265) “Dragons”  is  based at MCAS Futenma, Japan. The “Dragons” were established on October 1, 1962, and have multiple missions including vertical replenishment...


VMM-262 Squadron Patch History of VMM-262 Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 (VMM-262) “Flying Tigers”  is  based at MCAS Futenma, Japan. The “Flying Tigers” were established on September 1, 1951, and have multiple missions including vertical...

HMLA-367 Squadron Patch

HMLA-367 Patches HMH-465 Squadron Patch History of HMH-465 Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 465, the “Warhorse”, was established on 1 December 1981 as the first West Coast squadron to fly the CH-53E Super Stallion. It became the Marine Corps’ second...

HMT-301 Squadron Patch

HMH-361 PATCHES HMT-301 Squadron Patch History of HMT-301 HMT-301 traces its roots back to April 1, 1966. First activated at MCAS(H) Santa Ana, California as HMMT-301, the squadron has a long track record of producing fleet ready aviators in aircraft ranging from the...

HMH-463 Squadron Patch

HMH-463 PATCHES HMH-463 Squadron Patch History of HMH-463 The mission of HMH-463 is to support the MAGTF Commander by providing assault support transport of heavy equipment, combat troops, and supplies, day or night under all weather conditions during expeditionary,...